Final Publication Hanzelijn Project

November 2021 the final publication in the series of reports on the Hanzelijn archaeological project is expected. Between 2001 and 2018 Karen Waugh had been projectmanager Archaeology, coordinating all archaeology before, during and after the constructing of this major new railway cutting through the central part of the Netherlands. Archaeological research has resulted in a large number of reports and publications over the years. As the final apotheosis ProRail, National Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE), Vestigia and KEWF are preparing a new synthesis on the Prehistory of Flevoland, the area where a many of the archeological interventions were situated. Recognizing the international archaeological importance of the Early-Prehistoric occupation of this former coastal wetland area, it was decided to publish in English.  This has also been the last publication Karen Waugh had been working on.

Published in 2021 as:

”Resurfacing the submerged past”  Prehistoric archaeology and landscapes of the Flevoland Polders, the Netherlands

Edited by Hans Peeters, Laura Kooistra, Daan Raemaekers, Bjørn Smit & Karen Waugh † | 2021

The book can be ordered via Sideston Press